"If the name Lucifer were not prejudicial, it would be a suitable one for this archetype [the Self]."
(vol. 9 i p. 567)
"It is also worth noting that Lucifer, the Morning Star, means Christ as well as the devil."
(vol. 9 ii p. 192)
"Therefore Lucifer was perhaps the one who best understood the divine will struggling to create a world and who carried out that will most faithfully. For, by rebelling against God, he became the active principle of a creation which opposed to God a counter-will of its own."
(vol. 11 p. 290)
"The growing darkness reaches its greatest intensity on the day of Venus (Friday) and changes into Lucifer on Saturday."
(vol. 13 p. 301)
"...the inner voice is a "Lucifer" in the strictest sense of the word, and it faces people with ultimate moral decisions without which they can never achieve full consciousness and become personalities."
(vol. 17 p. 319)
"With him God does not only contain love, but, on the other side and in the same measure, the fire of wrath, in which Lucifer himself dwells."
(vol. 18 p. 1654)
- Carl Gustav Jung
"The angel of liberty was born before the dawn of the first day, before even the awakening of intelligence, and God called him the morning star.
O Lucifer! Voluntarily and disdainfully thou didst detach thyself from the heaven where the sun drowned thee in his splendour, to plow with thine own rays the unworked fields of night!
Thou shinest when the sun sets, and thy sparkling gaze precedes the daybreak!
Thou fallest to rise again; thou tastest of death to understand life better!
For the ancient glories of the world, thou art the evening star; for truth renascent, the lovely star of dawn.
Liberty is not licence, for licence is tyranny.
Liberty is the guardian of duty, because it reclaims right.
Lucifer, for whom the dark ages have made the genius of evil, will be truly the angel of light when, having conquered liberty, at the price of infamy, he will make use of it to submit himself to eternal order, inaugurating thus the glories of voluntary obedience." (p. 28)
- Eliphas Levi
The rest...