"...the machinic domain does not refer to any concrete, really existing machine: it is not technology itself, but rather the diagram of forces that precipitates it into form, then dismantles it again at a moment of rupture. The machinic phyla mark out the realm of the actually possible, continually provoking real bifurcations in the existing patterns of social circulation and initiating new departure points that leave old machines behind like so much junk in the dustbin: decoded raw materials, aestheticized antiquities or jealously guarded and frozen territories turning inward on themselves like black holes."
"The dynamic relations between the concrete forms of social circulation and the mutating rhizomes of ideas are what reveal the capacity of Guattari's meta-model to embrace the full complexity of contemporary existence, marked by ceaseless innovations in science, philosophy, law, organizational theory, mathematics, cosmology - everything that transforms the lifeworld irreparably, calling for new images of existence and new existential territories. Seen from this angle...the machinic phyla appear to initiate the heterogenesis of the social order. Simply inexistent before their emergence as a transformative force, they constitute a non-dialectical otherness, appearing without confrontation or struggle to dissolve the stability of human assemblages, which they project toward distant futures. They redraw the map of existence, transforming the plane of consistency and thrusting us further into the unknown..."
The rest is here:
Guattari's Schizoanalytic Cartographies by Brian Holmes
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