Saturday, May 15, 2010

I'm getting all nostalgic here today...

I was shocked to discover over at Lo-Res Viscera that Terveet Kadet are STILL out there working their leather-clad, smelly-ass magic. I mean, I remember these guys from back in the 80's, when I was just a yooth myself!

And I have to admit, there's a side of me that thinks it's really, really sad and pathetic that a bunch of 50 year-old dudes are out there being all crusty-punk, thrashing around and being loud, drunk and obnoxious like they were still a bunch of stoopid kidz.

Shouldn't they have found something more mature and constructive to do with themselves by the age of 50 than that? Why don't they grow up and get real lives, for fuckssakes?!?

Fear not, though - your trusty hero here is still fighting the good fight against the forces of terminal adulthood, and winning enough ground to think that it's just fucking AMAZING and AWESOME that the lads are still working that punk-rock mojo at their age. Esoecially when they still do it so well (as one listen to their most recent sonic output will confirm)...

And I guess somebody's got to do it, so it may as well be them, innit?

So show them some well-deserved punk-rock luv, ok?

Speaking of the 80's...

Back in the day, before industrial music morphed into what the kids nowadays called EBM (electronic body music - which I can only tolerate when I'm OBLITERATED on drugs), there was no shortage of people working the territory that Sopor Aeturnus is working here:

Sopor Aeturnus: "The Bells Have Stopped Ringing"

If you take the time to listen to a few other of his tracks over on Youtube, though, you will see that he doesn't limit himself strictly to droning industrial stylings. He also produces some stunning music that one could easily classify as dark synth-pop. Or, as distasteful, limiting, and downright misleading as labels can be, I think the word that will immediately jump into even the most casual listener's head after a while in his musical universe is "Goth." (Cringe)

But whatever you want to call his music, it's uniqueness or originality isn't what's important. What's TRULY heartening about discovering him (thanks to Sue Fox, whose work you can encounter in every single issue of Paraphilia Magazine) is just how fucking well he does it!

It's been many a moon since I heard dark music this scintillating (to borrow again from Sue), and it is well worth your time to delve deeper (and deeper and deeper...) into this man's world. Someone to watch more closely, for sure...

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